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RH-7105日本插头插片弯折强度测试仪JIS C8303 & JIS C8306
RH-7105日本插头插片强度测试仪依照JIS C8303 & JIS C8306标准设计制造,专用于日标插头插片弯曲试验

RH-7105日本插头插片强度测试仪依照JIS C8303 & JIS C8306标准设计制造,专用于日标插头插片弯曲试验。本测试仪设计合理、用料厚实、操作简便、适合不同外观形状的日规插头试验;采用PLC微电脑控制,液晶屏显示数据,试验频率和弯曲角度随意设置,并可进行弯曲角度点动、微调等操作。最大程度上避免了人手操作的误差结果的不确认定性,本试验仪只需夹持试验、设置参数后由试验机自动完成试验过程。
1.使用电源:AC 220V /50Hz
6. 夹持高度:夹持插片约8.5mm(标准要求)

1.1   Strength of Plug Blade Fixing Test(JIS)固定端子强度测试 (JIS).

2.0   Purpose目的

2.1   To determine the strength of the blade fitting of the plug on Japanese plug.确认日本插头有适合的端子强度。

3.0   Scope范围

3.1   This test is required on all Japanese approved plugs without anti-tracking housing as type test and reliability programme. However, subject to a customers or operation requirement, the test may still be performed on plug with anti-tracking housing.  所有已获得日本认证的无anti-tracking内套的插头在做型式试验或型式试验计划时要求试验。 如果是客户或运作的特殊要求, 也可对有anti-tracking内套的插日本插头做此实验。

3.2   It covers the method and specification on the evaluation of the strength of the blades fitting parts of the plugs  为指导评估插头选择合适的端子强度提供方法和标准。

5.0   Equipment设备

5.1   Strength of Blade Fitting Tester.固定端子测试仪

6.0   Procedure程序

6.1   Place the blade into the fixing plate as shown in Figure 1  Figure 1图示将端子固定在夹具中。

6.2   The number of times shall be counted by taking the movement of 1-2 as 1 time and 3-4 as 1 time as shown in Figure 2.  Figure 2图示要求对端子进行测试, 次数为1-21次,3-4 为一次。

6.3   Moved the blade from 1-2 and 3-4 through an angle of 30° in each direction for 5 times. Due to customers and operation requirement, the frequency may be increased  移动端子, 从1-23-4 , 角度为30度, 共5次,如客户和运作的特殊要求,频率或数量可以提升。

6.4   Acceptance Criteria and Sampling Plan 接收标准与抽样计划

6.4.1       Blade shall not be broken. 端子不被折断。